Healthcare & Medical Storage Solutions
Hospitals and medical facilities are fast-paced work environments that require supplies to be easily accessible when they are needed. The lack of organization and proper supply storage can cause unneeded stress on staff.
The organization in healthcare is key to allow nurses and other staff members to quickly and efficiently find supplies. A strategic and well-designed storage solution helps hospitals and healthcare facilities stay organized, improve patient care, and save space.
As supplies, files, medications, and equipment continue to grow the evolution of healthcare storage solutions have improved with many manufacturers offering a variety of modular storage and casework solutions, top-track moveable aisles, mobile medical / utility carts, and mobile storage cabinets.
Hospitals and medical facilities face many day-to-day challenges, don’t let supply storage and organization affect productivity, safety, and patient satisfaction.
Space Savers
Not every hospital has enough space, this is where modern healthcare furniture and careful planning take over. When optimizing precious space, mobile storage solutions allow staff to easily move and tuck away supplies into nooks and crannies around the facility. Modular casework and storage solutions allow floor planners to create a custom solution without the restriction of older healthcare furniture being bolted to the floor and only available in limited sizes. Space saver such as moveable aisle systems, modular casework, mobile utility carts are solutions that allow staff to keep their area clear from obstructions and supplies within arm’s reach.
Modular Storage Solutions
Modular bin systems suspended wall cabinets, and shelving solutions allow healthcare facilities with a scalable storage system. This types of flexibility allow you to save space, save money, and expand to existing modular furniture in the future. Many manufacturers offer a large catalog of modular solutions for laboratories, healthcare, pharmaceutical, and commercial use. Modular storage solutions are easy to install and dismantle according to the facilities needs.
Mobile Furniture Solutions
Mobile furniture and storage solutions can easily support a change to accommodate equipment changes or floor layout. Wheels or casters provide cabinets and other mobile casework to be relocated and locked into place. Unlike, traditional casework and storage solutions were bolted into the facilities floor preventing these fixtures from being moved around.
Supply Organization
Last but not least is the importance of supply organization. State-of-the-art storage solutions can keep medical supplies, medication, files, and equipment safe but it is the responsibility of nurses and staff to keep these storage units organized. Storing similar items together on a shelf, label supplies, store medicine and supplies with expiry dates using “First Expiry First Out” procedure, having designated areas around the facility for mobile storage units also helps. These are a few of the things healthcare staff can do to maintain an organized facility.
Help keep your facilities organized with these storage solutions and minimize day-to-day challenges, improve productivity, and most importantly patient satisfaction. Let us know what changes you have made to your healthcare or medical facility to improve the organization of medical supplies.
Ezad Lab Furnishing is a leader in providing successful healthcare and medical storage solutions for today’s leading healthcare organizations. Visit our products page to view available storage solutions.